We provide you with the CE you need to assist you in your commitment to lifelong learning — from the time you leave dental school until retirement, and beyond. 

Not an AGD Member? Create a profile prior to making a selection.

Upcoming Webinars

How to Handle an Employee’s Exit: Pre- and Post-Departure Considerations
Thursday, February 27: 7-8 p.m. CST
Jason S. Kaner, Esq., and Jonathan R. Cavalier, Esq.
Subject: 550 Practice Management and Human Relations
Credits: 1
Audience: Students, Residents, Dentists, Dental Assistants
Fee: $37.50 (students); $37.50 (residents); $75 (members); $125 (non-members)


AGD2025:  The Premier Meeting for General Dentistry
July 9-12, 2025
Palais des congrés de Montréal
Registration opens in January



Educational Opportunities

Scientific Session

Speaker Information

Are you looking for a speaker for your next CE event? Follow this link to find a speaker. 

Upcoming Events for General Dentistry

"Because I have to travel far for work, having CE offerings that I can complete at my convenience is amazing. What’s even better is the free CE offerings cover the cost of my AGD membership."

Alexandra Barton Otto, DDS, FAGD
Buda, TX
Member since 2013

440x430 Alex Barton Otto