Stay Connected to AGD and Other AGD Members

Download the AGD app from the App Store or Google Play to connect with all that AGD has to offer, including important information and coverage about AGD2024. Enable push notifications to find out about special offers and events in real time!
Where to Find AGD2024 Meeting Specific Information
In order to access AGD2024 information, the attendee should select MY SCHEDULE or EVENTS along the bottom row of the app. AGD2024 Onsite Experience information will appear first. Click on AGD2024 to be directed to the meeting section.
Where Are Courses Listed?
Courses are listed under the AGD2024/AGENDA section. Attendees can review course listings and other events in that section. Date, time and room location is included under each listing. At the bottom of each listing, the attendee can select “ADD TO SCHEDULE” to include course in the My Schedule or Phone Calendar.
How is My Schedule Used?
Attendees can add courses to the MY AGENDA section to help plan their schedule. Please note that adding a course to MY AGENDA does not enroll an attendee in a course.