Submit Your CE Online

  • by AGD Staff
  • Oct 5, 2020
10-5-20_SUBMIT CE_AMany AGD members completed a significant amount of CE this year. If you have CE to add to your transcript, submit it online through AGD’s online CE submission form, which makes updating your transcripts quick and easy. 

With a digital/scanned copy of your verification form (attendance verification or other provider verification form), you can report lecture, participation, hands-on and Self-Instruction courses (or a combination thereof) in a matter of minutes. You’ll be able to track your progress easily, as well as monitor areas on which to focus for AGD’s achievement-based awards. 

Check out this brief video to see how it works and start your submission online now

Reminder: CE courses submitted via fax, email or mail are no longer accepted. You must submit your CE through the online system.