July 25, 2024

AGD Hill Day Highlights

  • by AGD Washington Advocacy Representative
  • May 30, 2023

On May 22nd and 23rd AGD leaders from around the country descended on our nation's capital to petition their government on behalf of general dentists.  Below are a few attendee highlights.

  • Heard from policy leaders such as Rep. Larry Buchon, M.D. from Indiana, Rep. Drew Ferguson, D.M.D. from Georgia and Dr. Natalia Chalmers, D.D.S. M.H.Sc. Ph. D., the Chief Dental Officer at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. 
  • Learned about the issues they would discuss with their legislators:  Support for the Oral Health Literacy & Awareness Act, (S. 403/H.R. 994), Support for the Strengthening Medicaid Incentives for Licensees Enrolled in Dental (SMILED) Act (H.R. 1422) and finally urging Congress to ask the Department of Justice to enforce the Competitive Health Insurance Reform Act of 2020 (CHIRA).
  • Senator Ben Ray Luján (NM) and Rep. Tony Cárdenas (CA) were awarded AGD Legislators of the Year for their sponsorship and leadership of the Oral Health Literacy & Awareness Act.
  • Visited their Representative and Senators' offices to meet with members and staff to discuss these three issues and offer themselves as a resource on dental policy.

The reception from the Hill was very positive with many offices expressing support for AGD's initiatives.  AGD's Washington representatives will build on the momentum generated by Hill Day during this session, and you can help as well by contacting your legislator when the AGD sends out an action alert.