Dr. Leung Immerses Herself in Her Community

  • by AGD Staff
  • Dec 12, 2022
12-12-22_MemSpotlight_AChi C. Leung, DDS, takes being a community dentist seriously, whether it’s through serving her local community of patients or her local community of fellow dentists. As president of the Southern California AGD component during the COVID- 19 pandemic, she stepped up to ensure dentists in her area had access to the personal protective equipment they needed to safely continue serving their patients. As a dentist, she immerses herself in her patients’ well-being and positions herself as an advocate for their overall health. As a community member, she performs Chinese folk dances to share her culture with and uplift the people of her community. She spoke with AGD Impact about what being a dentist and an AGD member means to her. 

AGD Impact: What do you enjoy most about practicing dentistry, and how do you sustain that joy and focus? 

Leung: There is nothing more joyful than seeing my patients’ faces when they are happy. When I get to see the whole family grow, especially the young generation, all the way from birth to teenagers and finally as parents themselves, their smiles make me wake up every day looking forward to my work. 

What made you join AGD, and how has the organization helped you succeed? 

AGD has the greatest leaders in the dental industry, and its leaders care about dentists, patients and the organization. The leaders I have gotten to know well, such as Drs. Myron Bromberg and Gerald Botko, as well as the entire Executive Committee, are standing on the front line to lead general dentists to success. AGD’s emphasis is dental education, and I have become a much better dentist through its education programs. 

What do you have planned for your career, and what changes do you hope to see within the profession? What goals are you currently working toward? 

I would like to advance my skills and knowledge in order to join the best group of leaders to serve dentists and the public. An attitude of change has to be adopted in today’s world. We have to prepare ourselves for the possibility of future pandemics. I was the president of my local dental society during 2020. I was asked to find N95 masks, face shields and thermometers during the beginning of the shutdown period in March 2020. Dentists were crying for supplies. I did my best to find a supplier to distribute to our local dentists so they could function. I don’t want the same situation to happen in the future. We must prepare ourselves for all types of emergencies. 

Dr. Chi C. LeungWhat do you enjoy in your free time? 

I like to practice Chinese folk dance. Our group performs at the elderly community center and for different ethnic groups during holidays, and I enjoy seeing their smiling faces during our performances. 

Who is one of the most interesting patients you’ve worked with? 

I believe that we are only messengers when it comes to oral health. We provide the best environment by cleaning sources of bad bacteria, such as periodontal disease carriers and infections. Ultimately, the body is the one to heal. I have a patient who is 100 years old. She has taken care of her teeth throughout her life because, as she tells me, “I need to eat. I need to eat to be alive.” She inspires me all the time and encourages me to be a better dentist.