5 Ways to Keep Yourself and Your Team Inspired

  • by Pamela Marzban, DDS, FAGD, LVIF
  • Aug 2, 2019, 09:20 AM

Over the years, employees have come and gone, and I’ve had to endure the hiring process again and again. While this task can be less than fun, it is always an eye-opening experience. The faces and what people want and demand may change, but one thing does not — people leave their current employment because they do not feel inspired. They feel like their work has become meaningless and mundane. They feel unappreciated and see no room for growth. Work is work, but how can we make it not feel like work? Here are five steps that will help keep you and your team inspired.

  1. Keep learning. Skimming through the countless journals we receive in the mail can be helpful, but it’s no comparison to attending a good continuing education course. Nothing gets me more motivated and inspired than learning how to be a better clinician. Whether I’m improving an existing skill set, learning a new procedure or buying sleek new equipment, it always gets me pumped to go to the office Monday and start implementing! The only factor more motivating than that is when I take my team with me — then we are all on board with this explosive, unified positive energy.
  2. Build value. A famous speaker said, “It’s not what you do or how you do it that matters. It’s understanding why you do what you do that keeps you inspired.” It’s easy for us to get into a rut: You wake up, go to work, come home, take care of the kids, watch TV and go to bed, just to wake up another day older and do it all over again. While the daily routine may be what it is, if you love what you do and believe there is value in the service you provide, work will never feel mundane because every moment is meaningful and unique. If you genuinely feel a sense of purpose, your team will feel it, too, and it will reflect in the work that they do.
  3. Show appreciation. As business owners, it’s normal for us to point out when things go wrong — mistakes can be detrimental to our daily business. However, it is just as important to give positive feedback. You want good work to be replicated and consistent, so, when someone on your team does something terrific, let them know! It doesn’t matter if it’s a big deal or a small one. Just remember to let them know what they did and the positive impact it had toward the practice.
  4. Take time off. We work in millimeters, so it is critical to step back from work and see the big picture of life. This is important for you and everyone on your team. Whether it’s a staycation or traveling abroad, taking time for ourselves allows us to physically and mentally recharge. It makes us stop to see and feel the world outside our careers.
  5. Laugh. When I hear someone laugh in my office, it makes me smile. I think it makes us all smile. Nothing relieves stress like laughter, so find reasons to laugh. As intense as our days can get, try to remember to lighten up and have fun with your team and with your patients. 

I believe in emotionally, physically and financially investing in my office, my team and myself. I think this is the root of why I still feel inspired — I’ve been in private practice for nearly 20 years, and I don’t feel burned out. I hope that you, too, feel a sense of purpose in what you do and find ways to keep yourself and your team inspired.

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