Henry D. Hood, DMD
Full Name Henry D. Hood, DMD
Phone (502) 368-2348
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Since graduating from the University of Louisville School of Dentistry (ULSD) in 1993, Dr. Hood has dedicated his entire clinical, teaching, and research efforts to the dental care of patients with neurodevelopment disorders and intellectual disabilities (ND/ID) Dr. Hood is the co-founder of, and Director of Clinics and Research for the Underwood and Lee Clinic, an outpatient clinic affiliated with ULSD, which, since opening its doors in 2002, has served greater than one-thousand patients with ND/ID from forty-five Kentucky counties. Dr. Hood is the co-founder and Past President of the American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Dentistry, the nation’s leading organization of physicians and dentists with expertise in the care of patients with ND/ID. Dr. Hood is Chief Clinical Officer for the Chyron Management Corp. He has created and oversees multiple predoctoral and postgraduate special needs dentistry teaching programs – both clinical and didactic: and he has written book chapters and scientific articles published in the United States, Germany, Great Britain, and Japan.