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We will show you immediate savings, provide FREE cost comparisons, and give you clarity into your current pricing.

  • Get Negotiated Deals on the Products You Need
  • Save Time & Money, No More Price Shopping
  • Rely On Transparent, Reliable Pricing for Your Practice
  • Enjoy the Same Quality Products & Service at a Better Price

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Recent Testimonials

DPG Works Tirelessly

It makes perfect sense that purchasing in numbers should equal a better price. DPG works tirelessly to make this happen behind the scenes, so we never have to worry. They band dental offices together, in purchasing numbers only, to guarantee better pricing. Therefore, we do not lose control over our business. We would recommend DPG to every dental practice out there. If there are any practices that would like to contact my office personally, please do not hesitate.

Michael Mossmann D.D.S.
Leah Mossmann R.D.H. / Practice Manager

About DPG

DPG – Dental Purchasing Group is a member driven, Group Purchasing Organization. We partner with industry leading companies that provide valuable cost saving solutions, revenue driving initiatives and educational opportunities for our members.

We believe in this - “you are only as good as the people you surround yourself with”. DPG is proud to be surrounded by a group of engaged members that love to learn and love to improve profitability… They understand that we can support the business seamlessly. We are proud to have the distinct honor to partner with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, AGD New England Master Track and Massachusetts Academy of General Dentistry.




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888.685.6731   |   saj@dentalpurchasinggroup.com  
Dental Purchasing Group
Lancaster, MA 01523