In the States

  • by User Not Found
  • Jun 18, 2020

Ohio State Representative Bill Roemer recently introduced HB 681, which would require dental insurance plans and the Medicaid program to reimburse dentists for personal protective equipment (PPE). AGD Advocacy and the Ohio AGD created an Action Alert for Ohio members to urge their state legislators to support and advance this legislation. HB 681 was referred to the Insurance Committee on June 3. We encourage all Ohio AGD members to send a message to their state legislators through the alert in our Action Center, which can be found HERE.

It is strongly encouraged that AGD members review all advocacy efforts related to COVID-19 which are highlighted on our Coronavirus page. Additionally, members should visit the AGD Action Center to learn about specific efforts and to take action on pertinent issues.

As states ease restrictions and allow for dental practices to resume non-essential care, we recognize constituents will face new and continuing challenges while adjusting to current circumstances. If you would like more information on legislative matters in your state or are interested in carrying out advocacy efforts on AGD issues, please contact us at