In The States

  • by AGD Washington Advocacy Representative
  • Sep 6, 2019
An Oklahoma judge ruled Johnson & Johnson liable for helping to fuel the state’s opioid crisis on Monday, August 26, and ordered the company to pay $572 million. Many believe this will open the door for other states to follow suit in making companies and manufacturers like Johnson& Johnson responsible for the opioid crisis. Currently, 35 states have responded to the opioid epidemic by implementing policies or guidelines that limit the amount prescribers may supply. More states continue to take action with legislation such as requiring warning labels on prescribed opioids regarding the risks, increasing access to treatment facilities and requiring prescribers provide education on overdose prevention to patients.

The Wisconsin Senate Committee on Health and Human Services held a hearing on SB 89, relating to the licensure and practice of dental therapists. WI AGD President, Dr. Lou Boryc, attended and testified in opposition of the bill alongside AGD Advocacy staff. Similar legislation was attempted last session but failed. The Wisconsin Dental Association and Marquette University, who houses the state’s only dental school, are also both opposing the bill. Additionally, Massachusetts continues to move H.1916 through the legislature, which would also allow for the practice and licensure of dental therapists. H.1916 differs from the Wisconsin legislation in that it requires applicants to complete a higher education in dental therapy and dental hygiene and serve an underserved population of no less than 50%, among other things.