General dentists attend CE courses that address a wide variety of topics in all specialty areas. AGD subject codes help to clearly identify the general topic/specialty addressed in the course content.

AGD subject codes are:

  • Assigned by the organization who presented the course.
  • Included on the both the AGD Award and Licensing Transcript to quickly identify the main area of study for each course.
  • Used to help confirm members have met specific local licensing board CE requirements.
  • Used to track members’ progress in meeting the AGD Fellowship and Mastership Award CE requirements.

Updated AGD Subject Code List

The AGD Dental Education Council has streamlined the AGD subject code list. Instead of having multiple codes there is one general code for each dental specialty or general topic. Click on each subject code title for more detailed information about topics under each subject code. 

If you think a course has been categorized incorrectly on your transcript please contact the organization who awarded the hours and request updated attendance verification confirming the different subject code. Email questions about the AGD subject code list to

The AGD continuing dental education subject code list is below. Select a subject code to view the list of topics that should be categorized under the selected code. This list was revised in January 2017. Download a printable version.

AGD Subject Codes

May 30, 2017, 14:25 PM