Nanoleakage of fiber posts luted with different adhesive strategies and the effect of chlorhexidine on the interface of dentin and self-adhesive cements

Self-Instruction Exercise No. 367
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Exercise No. 367
Subject Code: 017
Dental Materials

The 15 questions for this exercise are based on the article, Nanoleakage of fiber posts luted with different adhesive strategies and the effect of chlorhexidine on the interface of dentin and self-adhesive cements, on pages 31-37. This exercise was developed by Kim Capehart, DDS, MBA, PhD(c), in association with the General Dentistry Self-Instruction committee.

Reading the article and successfully completing this exercise will enable you to:

  • identify the characteristics of fiber posts and dentin using various adhesive strategies;
  • identify the effects of various luting systems and chlorhexidine (CHX) in dentin; and
  • recognize the advantages of the various luting systems used for luting fiber posts.

Answers for this exercise must be received by April 30, 2016.

  1. All of the following are consistent problems that affect the bonding of glass fiber posts to root canal dentin except one. Which is the exception?

    A. adverse geometric factors
    B. peculiar histological characteristics of root dentin
    C. presence of accessory canals
    D. difficulty in achieving direct irradiation by light in deep regions of the root canal

  2. Hybrid layer formation is critical in the ________ of the post space.

    A. entire length
    B. coronal third
    C. middle third
    D. apical third

  3. The pH range that occurs immediately after mixing self-adhesive cements is _________.

    A. 1.5-1.9
    B. 2.0-2.4
    C. 2.5-2.9
    D. 3.0-3.4

  4. CHX has been shown to have (an) _________ effect on the endogenous collagenolytic activity in dentin.

    A. no
    B. unknown
    C. inhibitory
    D. unrestrictive

  5. All of the following were inclusion criteria of the bovine roots except one. Which is the exception?

    A. multiple canals
    B. completely formed apices
    C. no excessive curvature
    D. roots with tight canals

  6. After the storage of the roots, the gutta percha was removed and at least ___ mm of endodontic filling was left at the apex of each canal.

    A. 1
    B. 3
    C. 5
    D. 7

  7. The glass fiber posts were cleaned with _____ % alcohol for 1 minute followed by drying.

    A. 60
    B. 70
    C. 80
    D. 90

  8. The specimens were carbon-coated and analyzed by a scanning electron microscope at _____ kV.

    A. 10
    B. 15
    C. 20
    D. 25

  9. Data were analyzed using ANOVA followed by ______ test at a 5% level of significance.

    A. Fisher’s LSD
    B. Student Newman-Keuls (SNK)
    C. Cronbach’s alpha
    D. Tukey’s

  10. The resin tags formed inside the dentinal tubules by Group 3 specimens were short and/or not very pronounced. A lower mean nanoleakage percentage was achieved by the Group 1 specimens in the apical third.

    A. Both statements are true.
    B. The first statement is true; the second is false.
    C. The first statement is false; the second is true.
    D. Both statements are false.

  11. The acid resin monomers in the nonpolymerized adhesive residual layer react with the _______ amine of the resin cement.

    A. primary
    B. secondary
    C. tertiary
    D. quaternary

  12. RelyX Unicem has a chemical interaction with hydroxyapatite that may be based on the chelation of the __________ ions.

    A. magnesium
    B. phosphorus
    C. calcium
    D. oxygen

  13. Cationic properties of _____________ enable the binding of phosphorated groups in apatite, producing a strong affinity for the tooth surface.

    A. phosphoric acid
    B. hydroxyapatite
    C. CHX
    D. modified methacrylate monomers

  14. The group consisting of Clearfil SE Bond combined with ________ showed higher nanoleakage patterns in the apical third compared to other groups.

    A. RelyX Unicem
    B. ED Primer
    C. CHX
    D. Panavia F

  15. CHX-treated adhesive interfaces of self-adhesive luting cements reduced the uptake of ____________ particles.

    A. hydroxyapatite
    B. calcium
    C. magnesium
    D. silver


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