Mental Health Resources

Updated April 30, 2020

Managing issues during COVID-19 has likely created a level of stress and anxiety like you’ve never known. As we balance these decisions, the wait and uncertainty are enormously difficult. Remember to check in on yourself and check in with others. Your emotional and physical health is critical now. Follow the advice of experts and make sure you are getting exercise and a good night’s sleep, limiting your time spent consuming the news, and also connecting with friends and family.

If you or someone you know feels overwhelmed by the situation, be sure to access support.

Watch for more information on an upcoming webinar entitled COVID - 19 and Your Mental Health: Keeping it Together in Uncertain Times, featuring Marilyn J. Cassis PhD, LMST and Michael H. Rucker II MFT, LMST on May 6 ( 2pm and 7pm)


Suicide Prevention Lifeline

National Alliance on Mental Illness 

Other Updates

How to Stay Mentally and Physically Well During These Trying Times -- Eric S. Studley, DDS, and Ivy D. Peltz, DDS, MSEd, PhD, MAGD

The Importance of Keeping in Touch -- by Kim Wright, DDS, MAGD